
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


For the past three nights, I've put in about 2 hours a night into this doll for Olivia.  I have the legs and the body finished.  I'm aiming for a body part a night.  I haven't amigurumi'd since making Wonder Woman for Isabelle in April, so I'm out of the habit of crocheting so tight and I'm feeling it.  My thumb on my right hand is dented from pushing the hook into the tight stitches and my forefinger on my left hand is dented from holding so much tension in the yarn.  It'll be gone by morning, but I'm convinced by the time this doll is finished that I'll have permanent dents.  And carpal tunnel syndrome.  Good thing I know good ortho docs, huh?  LOL

I pulled out the Daisy (formerly known as Zoe's) afghan yesterday and Olivia asked me if that was what I was working on and wanted to know why I wasn't working on her birthday present yet.  She's a harsh task master, that one.  I told her I wasn't going to work on it with her around... it has to be a surprise.  She also actually asked me for legwarmers, too, so I was pretty proud of myself that I've started a pair of those for her also.  I'm working on those at work, and hoping I can get them done in addition to the doll.

Now I have to show you something that has been added to my list that I hope to accomplish by Christmas.  I've mentioned before that my husband's aunt has asked me to make the kids from South Park.  There is a pattern for them, but as I'm working on this doll, I'm more and more convinced that I might be able to figure it out on my own, since they aren't very complicated-looking shape-wise.  She's also requested Michael Myers, which I will have to make up on my own.  That will be a challenge. 

And then I saw this on Pinterest the other day:

The BeeGees!  My husband loves The BeeGees.  This is knit, of course, so I'd have to make the pattern up on my own, but they have chest hair.  Oh my gracious, I can't handle it.  Seriously, how hilarious would it be to make a doll with chest hair?  My cousins have already put in their requests if I figure it out for their own sets.  I am just dying over here.  Chest hair.  I can make a tutorial:  How to make chest hair for your amigurumi. 

I am losing it, folks. 

1 comment:

  1. Your poor fingers! At least the leg warmers should be a welcome relief! I'm looking forward to seeing the doll, leg warmers, and chest hair! Lol!
