
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Currently

I am totally taking this idea from Katy, and linking up to siddathornton.

So... Currently I am...


American Gods by Neil Gaiman.  I'm hooked.  It's very dark, fits in nicely with my love for Stephen King and Dean Koontz.  I'm also reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  It's giving me tons of ideas for changes to implement in my own life.  I might write more about it later.  Needless to say two EXTREMELY  different books.  One dark/one light.  One fiction/one non-fiction.  It works, though.  Normally I can't read two books at once and keep them straight.  =)


Ummm..  a grocery list is about the extent of my creativity lately.


This week hasn't been very musical for me, and my usual hard angry rock isn't doing it for me.  I listened to Jason Mraz earlier this week.  I'm digging Justin Timberlake, which is very odd for me.  And that Daft Punk song, that Isabelle loves, and is NOT appropriate for her to listen to but she has no idea was "getting lucky" is, so I let it slide because I'm just begging for her teacher to call me in three weeks when school starts to discuss what Isabelle is singing in class.


I need to get focused again.  The past few weeks have been just me turning into my self and avoiding everything.  I have to stop it.


Smoke.  I had migraines this week and I always smell smoke (when there is no smoke around) for days before I get one.  Luckily they were fairly painless migraines, but they left me wiped out nonetheless.  


That I didn't have to deal with change at work.  I do like the new girl we hired, but I miss my old coworker.  =(


To wake up and snap back into my usual routine, instead of feeling sluggish and bored with everything.  I need to get back to my workouts, to tracking calories, to being excited again.


I decided this summer that I was tired of always wearing tshirts all the time, so I've bought other tops here and there.  And apparently I gravitate towards shirts that are a little low cut.  I mean, looking straight on, it's decent, but from my vantage point, I look down and all I see are my boobs.  


Our Roku.  Except for the fact that the girls have discovered Bratz movies.  NOT loving that at all.


To spend the rest of summer at home.


To be more "present."  Reading sucks me in and I tend to ignore the world, which is why I hadn't been reading much.  I need to strike a balance.


Like a slug.  Not working out is not working out ;)


I know this is to talk about fun/interesting websites, but I've been bored with the internet this week, so you get pictures.... clicking my camera.  Yeah!


July's Aleda's Challenge picture.  I almost forgot to take it.  See my low cut shirt...  LOL


My baby Dodo, looking too grown.


I showed Olivia pictures of people with extreme lazy eye.  She has worn her glasses every day without nagging ever since.


This is my favorite hairstyle for Isabelle.  I think all three of my girls are gorgeous, but certain pictures, like this one, make me fear for the teenage years when all the boys come calling.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Haha...I have the same vantage point in some of my shirts! I look down and think 'is this appropriate?' Then, I look in the mirror and see it's totally fine from that angle!

    Love the pics of your girls! So sweet!

    Glad you linked up! :-)
