Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Currently

Sorry I've been a slacker blogger lately.  I've been a pout pout fish and I didn't want to spread the dreary-wearies all over the place.

Current book:  Well, I just finished The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (cute book... it's YA, very kid friendly) last night so I need to decide on a new book.  I have Neverwhere and Coraline (both by NG) to choose from.  I'm still plugging away through Search Inside Yourself, as well.  Non-fiction books are difficult for me to get into sometimes.

Current music:  I'm on a tiny Justin Timberlake kick, but only a few songs.  I think I could listen to My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy on continuous repeat at the moment though.  It's been a long time since I've been on a pop music streak, so I feel weird.  LOL

Current guilty pleasure:  Chocolate covered espresso beans.  Probably was not a good idea to eat a crap ton of them at 10pm last night with a 6am alarm set to go run/walk....

Current nail color:  Fingers - naked.  I don't paint them.  I have to hand wash dishes and it wouldn't last long enough to justify it.  Toes - chipped red.  I need a pedi.

Current drink:  Water.

Current food:  I really want some Benihana's fried rice.  I made a knock off last week, it was satisfactory, but I still am craving it.

Current favorite show:  Didn't watch any TV at all this week.  I gave up on Big Brother a little over a week ago.  

Current wish list:  I want one of these bracelets... with 13.1 on it

I also want a heart rate monitor and new running shoes.  I need to focus on back to school first.

Current needs:  A nap.  8.5 miles on caffeinated sleep has left me a little sluggish.

Current indulgence:  Ice cream.  I've eaten way too much lately.  We went to Baskin Robbins on Friday and I had my all-time favorite - their chocolate peanut butter.  Mmmmmm

Current blessing:  Seeing my mom so happy over her new baby, Mr. Farley.  He's such a cute dog.

Current excitement:  The girls go back to school in a week!  I'll have about an hour every day between getting off work and their arrival home to myself!  Also, I figured out how to make the scale move in the right direction again!  LOL

I'll be sure to come back and update you sooner than next week, OK?  OK!

(Linking up @ siddathornton)

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