This is truly a little change. One of many I plan to make.
I'm not crazy about where we live. We rent, so there aren't an awful lot of changes I can make to improve the things that bother me. We don't have carpet, so there is nothing to dampen noises and there are times that my kids running around playing makes me crazy. Yes, I can buy rugs, but sometimes laminate flooring is a godsend, even if it's in constant need of sweeping and mopping. A rug or two might be coming soon, but I also need a vacuum cleaner when I get them.
I started the year with the intention of trying to fix some of the things I can fix to make it so I enjoy living here better. I haven't made a lot of progress, but I still have big ideas. I've never been really into interior decorating, but I really believe that if this place is pretty, I will be happier. If I could keep it clean, I'd just be in a constant state of ecstasy, I'm sure, but with three kids I don't see that happening.
My least favorite room, by far, is the kitchen. It has wood paneling, which makes the room so much darker and I can't stand a dark room. We have no dishwasher (aside from myself...). We have very little usable counter space. It just is dreary and blah.
Over the weekend, my sister and I went fabric shopping and I bought a yard of some really pretty green sheer fabric that I had absolutely no idea what to do with. I don't usually buy fabric without a purpose, because I don't have a lot of storage space for my crafty stuff. But I just loved the color, the price was right, and knew I'd come up with something. When I got home and pulled it out of the bag, I looked up and saw the kitchen window and knew exactly what to do with it.
I didn't even take a before picture of the window. The curtains that were up were a frumpy, country blue, lace mess. They were up when we moved and the curtains I had up at our old house were way too long and I wasn't really into sewing at the time, so I left the ugly things up and never really thought about it. Plus, all kinds of junk gets put up there. Needless to say, when I have to wash the dishes, I have to stand in front of one of the ugliest spaces in the house.
Not anymore though...
Yes, I do realize that they aren't straight. It was one of those "I have to do this NOW" things and Isabelle won't sleep, so I was slightly distracted in the process. I imagine at some point I will rehem them, but it doesn't bother me right now.
The jars of marbles on the left are the girls' behavior marbles. As you can see, we're not off to a stellar start this week, but hopefully it will get better.
The roses are very special... they were from our wedding. I think they look awesome next to the curtains.
You have no idea how happy the window makes me. It lifts my spirits when it look at it. It should make washing dishes more tolerable. Hopefully some of the other little changes around the house that I have plans for make me just as happy.