Tuesday, February 15, 2011


If there's any part of my job that I truly love, it's medical terminology. 

This was my poor Dodo yesterday


We were both home sick.  I couldn't get her fever to break for anything most of the day.  I'm normally a very warm person, but with me being sick and her running a fever, it was so uncomfortable to hold her.  Luckily she wasn't very clingy and preferred to lounge alone while we watched Little Bear.

Today I decided to send her to the doctor.  Normally, I take the kids to the doctor.  It's not that I don't trust Bill with it, I just tend to be too much of a control freak and I'm on pins and needles until he calls with a report.  It just cuts out the anxiety to go myself.  But I'm behind at work due to my own illness and the snow last week, so I had him take her.  

He called to report that she has a double ear infection.  No big surprise.  And then he said the doctor said her spleen is enlarged.  If you know my husband, you know how I pretty much blew him off on that one.  But he assured me he was serious.  Her spleen is enlarged.  Let's just say I tried to be as quietly freaked out as I could be.   Of course, I googled it and discovered that it's not uncommon for your spleen to become enlarged when you have an infection.  Whew!  He mentioned that they drew blood and her blood count was fine, so they just want to see her in two weeks to make sure it's back to normal once her ears are.

Of course, what he didn't say on the phone, and God knows we're all glad he didn't at the time, was that the doctor drew blood to check her blood count because an enlarged spleen can indicate leukemia.  I would have come UNGLUED.  But with what I read and the fact that her blood work was fine, I am comfortable that it's just infection-related.  

And just look at my little Dodo today:


Hopefully we're all on the mend now and can get back to something resembling normal.  It's going to take me forever to recover the house and laundry, but until I'm back to 100%, we'll just have to muddle through.


  1. I'm so glad Dodo is feeling better. I love that smile!

  2. Glad to hear everyone is feeling better! So happy to see you at Tangled Happy. Those little gnomes will make a sweet birthday gift. I just love them. :)



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