Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sucked In

That's actually a really bad pun, even if you don't know it yet.

I must confess that my lack of serious craftiness is because I've been reading.  I love to read, but I go through spells as to how much I read.  Earlier in the year, it was taking me over a month to read a book.  Currently, I'm about to finish my second book in about a week. 

I was an early reader.... I could read before Kindergarten.  I was reading Nancy Drew probably by the second grade and just haven't stopped reading since.  I remember in high school even reading my mom's trashy romance novels because I had nothing else to read.  That's desparation there.  ;)  Trashy romance is where I have to draw the line.  I'm sure some of what I read toes that line, but if there's a woman swooning and falling out of her corset into the arms of a Fabio wannabe, I can't make myself read it.


However, since I do read for entertainment, I read almost entirely fiction.  I have no desire to read a biography of anyone.  I only passed History in school because I have (or rather, had) a freakish memory that would at least get me past the tests.  I really couldn't have cared less about it.  But honestly, I only read to be entertained and to escape.  And I'm not going to be reading the classics for fun.  I do enjoy some of them, but some are just like walking through mud.

I love Dean Koontz and Stephen King, Jodi Picoult and Iris Johansen (NOT her romance books, but like her Eve Duncan books).  One of my new favorites is Jasper Fforde.  He is amazing.  I have my guilty pleasures, too.  I was late to the Evanovich party, but I am hooked on the Stephanie Plum books.  I have resisted buying the new one.... I'm waiting for the library to have it available.  And the books that have me hooked at the moment - Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse series. 

My sister loaned me the first two books months ago, along with The Eyre Affair by Fforde.  I ended up hooked on Fforde, and I'm just now getting back to the Harris books.  I do have to admit, she's not like some phenomenal writer, technically... it was kind of hard to get back into the books because she isn't as smooth as Fforde, but she's a good story-teller.  Being a good story-teller can redeem some not-so-great writing, in my opinion.  You can at least be so caught up that you don't realize how badly what you're reading sucks.  Take the Twilight series.  I'll admit to reading them.  I'll admit that I read all 4 monster-sized books obsessively in a week and a half, even buying one of them in hardback, which I never do.  But Stephenie Meyers sold her soul to the devil for those books because they're really not that great.  I was addicted to them, though.  Heck, Evanovich has kept people reading about the same stupid love triangle for seventeen books now.  And I'm sure once I reach the end of the Sookie Stackhouse books, I'll be wondering what I was thinking there, too.  But I'm entertained and that's all that really matters.

So, what are you reading?  I'll be done with the Sookie books in no time at this rate and need to figure out where to go from here.  I still have some Fforde books I haven't read.  Believe it or not, I still haven't read a single Harry Potter book.  I'm intrigued by the Hunger Games books.  Between reading, crocheting, sewing, and knitting - in addition to just LIFE itself - I need about 20 more hours tacked onto the day to be satisfied.


  1. Tonight I read Don't Need Friends. A favorite bedtime story of my two little ones. Does that count?

  2. Wow. I'm starting to think you're my secret twin! I'm a HUGE reader! Like you...I was reading before kindergarten. I remember reading Pinocchio in second grade. Everyone was like, "Where are the pictures?" I did the Anne of Green Gables series in third grade and I did all the Nancy Drew's & Little House books. By 5th I was on to Gone With the Wind and Stephen King. And I HATE trashy romance...but that marvelous Sookie Stackhouse Vampire Smut sucked me right in! LOVE IT!!!! It's Bookworm Candy...empty calories, but tasty. The Eyre Affair is the only Fforde I've read so far, but it was good. With my three monsters I find that I've been reading a lot of YA lately. I love Twilight (again. bookworm candy.) and Harry Potter. I'm really into Susan Hale and I'm reading the Pretty Little Liars series right now. Easy fluff! My mom gave me the first few books of Stephanie Plum...so I need to give her a whirl. Some non YA reads I've liked this year were Dracula In Love (I'm mildly obsessed with vampires), The Gurnsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society, The Pact (Jodi Picoult), and Pride & Prejudice and Zombies. Oooo...and I LOVED the Hunger Games series. I devoured all three books in two days. Sorry for the long comment...I LOVE TO READ! :)



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